Growing Up

I grew up in a great neighborhood with lots of kids my age. We loved getting together for bike rides, jump rope, shooting baskets, playing with dolls, building forts, movies and especially night games. I was always interested in school work and reading, even asking teachers for homework and organizing "read-a-thons" with my friends (I know, so nerdy!). It paid off though, resulting in good grades to qualify me for valedictorian for my graduating class and full-tuition scholarships for college. I experienced a lot of personal satisfaction for my academic achievements but It was also satisfying to see how much it pleased my parents. I was blessed with friendships in childhood that carried over into high school. We were good influences for one another and kept each other in check.

Growing up, the best word that could describe me was "curious". I was always asking questions and trying to figure things out (something that I continue to do to this day). I took an interest in athletics at an early age due mostly in part to a desire to be like my older brother who loved the sports of football, basketball and baseball. Additionally, once I entered school, I found myself working hard to follow the example of my older brother and sister who had always done really well in school. Little did I know that one day I would be a teacher! I also remember how much I enjoyed the neighborhood where I grew up. Outside of my school and athletic pursuits, my favorite thing to do was hang out and have fun with my group of friends from my neighborhood. Some of the things we would do together included riding 4-Wheelers, swimming, playing night games, watching movies, going on vacations together, riding bikes and horses, collecting baseball cards, building "forts", and even hunting on occasion.

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